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Level 2 WRS Student Enrolled Version

Level Two: Workplace Readiness Skills Curriculum (student-enrolled version)

  • Darren Morris
Current Status
Not Enrolled
$400 per classroom / $3,400 up to 10 classrooms
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Including Test Prep for Successfully Passing CTECS Workplace Readiness Skills Assessment

This course is primarily for students who are self-directed learners or remote. Therefore, it allows for teachers to enroll their students and provides those students with a login, once they are enrolled. Some processes are also automated, such as assignment submissions and reflection quizzes. These processes allow for teachers to quickly see student progress, even when learners are not in the classroom. Teachers who do not need these automated features may wish to use the “Teacher-Only Version” of this curriculum that does not allow for student enrollment or login.

Course Content

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1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
3. Initiative and Self-Direction
4. Integrity
5. Work Ethic
6. Conflict Resolution
7. Listening and Speaking
8. Respect for Diversity
9. Customer Service Orientation
10. Teamwork
11. Big-Picture Thinking
12. Career and Life Management
13. Continuous Learning and Adaptability
14. Efficiency and Productivity
15. Information Literacy
16. Information Security
17. Information Technology
18. Job-Specific Tools and Technology
19. Mathematics
20. Professionalism
21. Reading and Writing
22. Workplace Safety
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