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The primary internal component of a desktop computer used for information storage is the

Correct! Wrong!

18. Job-Specific Technologies

An example of a desktop computer operating system is

Correct! Wrong!

18. Job-Specific Technologies

You work at an accounting company and are furnished with a new tablet computer. After arriving to work, you turn it on and notice it is not functioning properly. This occurs after only one day of using the new tablet. What is the first course of action?

Correct! Wrong!

18. Job-Specific Technologies

In the table below, to re-order the "Animal" column, you should use the

Correct! Wrong!

19. Information Technology

Which of the following is NOT a type of web browser?

Correct! Wrong!

19. Information Technology

Social networking websites can reveal a great deal about an individual. What types of items should you avoid putting on your social networking site?

Correct! Wrong!

20. Internet Use and Security

What is the MOST important reason for cleaning the cache of your web browser after browsing on the Internet?

Correct! Wrong!

20. Internet Use and Security

Which is the greatest advantage of web-based applications?

Correct! Wrong!

21. Telecommunications

In a company meeting, you should have your cell phone on

Correct! Wrong!

21. Telecommunications

When following the rules of email etiquette, typing the email in ALL CAPITALS is not recommended because it indicates what?

Correct! Wrong!

21. Telecommunications

WRS Quiz 5: Skills 18-21
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