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The goals of professional networking are to develop

Correct! Wrong!

14. Job Acquisition and Advancement

Which question could violate laws aimed at achieving equal employment opportunities?

Correct! Wrong!

14. Job Acquisition and Advancement

When writing resumes, why do employers prefer professional references over personal ones?

Correct! Wrong!

14. Job Acquisition and Advancement

At 11:00 a.m., a customer asks for a prescription to be filled for pick up at noon. In this situation, filling the prescription by noon best fits in which one of the following four time-usage categories?

Correct! Wrong!

15. Time, Task, and Resource Management

The correct steps to complete an assigned project are

Correct! Wrong!

15. Time, Task, and Resource Management

Samuel works at a farm equipment company. Which of the following will help him decide what to do each day?

Correct! Wrong!

15. Time, Task, and Resource Management

A salesperson receives 10% commission on his/her total sales. They sell $1,500.00 worth of merchandise. How much commission did he/she receive?

Correct! Wrong!

16. Mathematics

The hourly employees in your department worked a total of 7,350 hours this week. The wage for each person is $10.75 per hour. What is the total payroll for your department this week?

Correct! Wrong!

16. Mathematics

Maya worked 41 hours this week at a local hospital. She makes $12.00 per hour. Anytime over 40 hours is paid at time and half or 1.5. How much will Maya earn for her 41 hours of work this week?

Correct! Wrong!

16. Mathematics

If you are working with a customer complaint, it is best to communicate with the customer

Correct! Wrong!

17. Customer Service

Oki is a sales associate at a computer sales store. She notices an older man with tattered clothing enter the store. How should she first approach the customer?

Correct! Wrong!

17. Customer Service

WRS Quiz 4: Skills 14-17
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