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Carla believes she is more productive when she listens to music at work, but her boss does not allow it. She should

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1) Positive Work Ethic

You are working at a graphic design firm. Your team is working on an important project and your team leader asks you to stay late to meet a deadline. Since you normally get off at 5 p.m. from work, you previously agreed to take a neighbor to an important appointment at 6:30 p.m. What should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

1. Positive Work Ethic

Lacy works at a pharmaceutical company with a very strict anti-drug and alcohol policy which states that no alcohol is to be consumed during work hours. Violation of the policy will result in immediate termination. While at lunch today, Lacy observed several coworkers having beer with their meal. Lacy should

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Justice told his boss he would finish the financial report by Friday. Following through on his commitment is an example of which positive workplace trait?

Correct! Wrong!


Project tasks have been assigned to individuals. Which action of a team member may hurt the work of the team?

Correct! Wrong!

3. Teamwork

Your plumbing crew is working on a new building project. You are assigned to cut pipe for the job. You notice that a peer employee is having great difficulty carrying a long section of pipe. What is the most appropriate action?

Correct! Wrong!

3. Teamwork

You must attend an important luncheon for work and dress appropriately. You should wear

Correct! Wrong!

4. Self-representation

We know that how we communicate is often just as important as what we are trying to say. Avoiding using slang in the workplace is an example of understanding the skill of:

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4. Self-representation

You have been working on a game design project with your manager who has been repeatedly using inappropriate language which makes you uncomfortable. What should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

4. Self-representation

WRS Quiz 1: Skills 1-4
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