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Workplace Readiness Skills in the Classroom

While students might be trained to be technically-ready to perform their skill set, they often need assistance and guidance to be professionally-ready for any workplace. The CTECS Workplace Readiness Skills (WRS) package from CTECS ensures they are aware of and prepared for the many real-world aspects of their professions.

The WRS package offers an online test, a credential for successful completion, and now, instructional resources or curriculum. This site was created to serve different audiences: students, teachers, and anyone else interested in putting Workplace Readiness Skills in the classroom. Therefore, we have divided it into the following sections that focus on the needs of CTECS consortium members.


Students can get the details on the exam and tips to improve their test scores. They will be connected to free curriculum materials through the WRS modules, as well as access to sample quiz questions of the test.

News & History

This section provides documentation on the development of the WRS project since 2010. It pulls top articles from news and blog sites on national issues surrounding the skills gap problem and the WRS solution.


This is where teachers will go to share best practices ideas and learn how best to apply the WRS skills in educational settings to compliment specific curriculum. Some material is tailored for our individual member states.

Current Members or Partners in the Consortium
States in the Consortium Historically
Workplace Readiness Skill Tests Taken
Goal In Mind: To close The Skills Gap
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