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Asia Society: New Partnership and Modules
New Career Readiness Professional Development Modules and Tools
The Center for Global Education at Asia Society has partnered with ACTE and Advance CTE to create online professional development modules that support educators to teach career readiness skills using global content and active, project-based learning. These 10 new online, 15-minute modules will help educators understand how to make global connections to local STEM issues; create high-quality global STEM projects; assess global workforce readiness skills; connect with classrooms abroad to complete collaborative projects; and teach students to be project managers so they are more successful in completing their projects. The modules, together with sample curriculum and other tools and resources, are available completely free-of-charge thanks to generous support from PMIEF. To get started, please visit CTE Learn. For more information, view Asia Society’s website ( or contact Heather Singmaster ([email protected]).
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